



2017-03-02 17:47:00


  With 2016 finally out of the way, (going down in history as the year that robbed us of Leonard Cohen, David Bowie and Prince), it’s time to leave the past where it is and set out action plans for the future. So, what are some of the best degrees for salary potential and job satisfaction to graduate with in the brave new world of 2017? Read on for a roundup of 10 of the best degrees for a happy and lucrative career.


  1. Biomedical engineering

  Combining the engineering sciences with biomedicine and clinical practice, biomedical engineering is a fast-growing sector. In addition to enjoying high salaries ranging from US$62,700 to US$104,000, a high percentage of professionals in this field (75%) report deriving a high level of meaning from their occupation. And that’s not all. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs in the field are expected to grow by 72% by 2018! Not so surprising, given the mind-blowing research being carried out in this field, and increasing number of patents and commercial applications.


  这个专业是工程科学结合生物医学和临床实践,生物医学工程是一个正在快速发展的专业。除了可以享受62,700美元到104,000美元不等的高工资之外,在这一领域中高比例的专业人员(大约为75%) 声称他们从自己的职业中追求到了高价值。这些都还不是全部哦。根据美国劳工部劳工统计局的数据显示,在这一专业领域的工作预计在2018年增长72%!这个数据并非那么让人吃惊,在这个专业领域正在进行着非常令人吃惊的研究,并且有越来越多的专利和商业应用。

  2. Occupational therapy

  Want to help others? Occupational therapy is without doubt one of the best degrees to achieve that. Occupational therapists (“OTs”) help ill, injured and disabled patients to access the workplace and various other aspects of daily life. One important component of the job is to evaluate the patient’s workplace and home, identifying any health needs and possible improvements. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of occupational therapists will grow by 27% from 2014 to 2024, as the human population continues to age and baby boomers seek to maintain their independence later in life. Salaries may range between US$49,532 and US$84,970 in the US.


  你想要帮助别人吗?职业疗法毫无疑问是实现这一目标的最佳学位之一。职业治疗师("OTs") 会帮助生病的、受伤的以及残疾的患者,不仅涉及到工作方面还有日常生活的其他方面。这项工作的一个重要组成部分是评估病人的工作场所和家里,找出任何健康需要和可能的改进措施。根据美国劳工部劳工统计局的数据显示,职业治疗师的就业将从2014年至2024 年增长27%,人类人口继续老龄化,并且又面对更多的新生人口,这些人都要寻求在以后的生活中保持其独立性。在美国,职业治疗师的工资可能为49,532美元到84,970美元。

  3. Structural engineering

  Many of the best degrees for strong salary prospects are found in the engineering sector, including structural engineering. A sub-branch of civil engineering, structural engineering is concerned with the design and erection of large buildings and structures, and is an area of significant demand. An impressive 71% of working professionals in this field report a high level of meaning from their work, while salaries typically range between US$58,700 and US$104,000!



  4. Translation and/or interpretation

  According to this 2016 study, translation and interpretation services are expected to grow by 28% in the US by 2021, as businesses continue to expand overseas. Geography, skillset and experience can have a huge impact on your paycheck, with salaries ranging between US$24,000 and US$72,000. Skills that will boost your earning potential include localization (the process of adapting vocabulary or content to specific regions or markets), and fluency in an in-demand language.


  根据2016年的调查显示,随着企业不断扩大其在海外的规模,笔译和口译服务预计2021年在美国会增长28%。所在地域、技能和经验对你的薪水可能会产生巨大的影响,薪水为24,000美元到72,000美元之间。能够提高你的收入的技能包括本地化 (适应特定地区或市场的词汇、内容的过程),并且在被需求的语言方面的流利熟练程度。

  5. Physician assistant studies

  A physician assistant is a mid-level doctor who works under the supervision of an MD or DO. Duties include physical examinations, lab tests and follow-ups. With high salaries ranging between US$85,200 and US$103,000, 86% of physician assistants report a high level of meaning from their work. Featured in PayScale’s ranking of the highest-earning bachelor’s degrees, physician assistant studies is a happiness-inducing major with an impressive earning potential.



  6. Environmental engineering

  The branch of science concerned with protecting humans from the effects of climate change, environmental engineering involves improving recycling, the disposal of waste, health and reducing air, soil and water pollution. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 15% increase in environmental engineers from 2012 to 2022 in the US. Environmental engineers earn between US$53,900 and US$92,800, and 66% report deriving a high level of meaning from their job.



  7. Web development

  Unsurprisingly in today’s digital world, web development and related fields are amongst the best degrees for secure career prospects. Earning between US$37,800 and US$84,900 depending on location, employer and experience, web developers report a high level of job satisfaction on PayScale, rating their jobs on average five out of five stars. The number of roles available in this field is expected to grow by 27% from 2014 to 2024 in the US, as mobile and ecommerce continue to grow.



  8. Aeronautical engineering

  Working with cutting-edge technology in the design, construction and maintenance of aircraft, aeronautical engineers earn between US$63,000 and US$113,000, with 61% of professionals in the field saying they find a high level of meaning in their work. Like many engineering subjects, this is another of the best degrees for great salary prospects, career progression and ongoing development as the sector evolves.



  9. Computer science and mathematics

  There’s a great deal of opportunity in today’s economy for STEM students. Graduates with a BSc in computer science and mathematics, for instance, often go on to work in technical and data-based professions as software engineering, robotics programming, numerical analysis, bank credit management, applications programming – the list goes on! Employees with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and mathematics earn on average between US$63,500 and US$111,000. However, only 36% say they derive a lot of meaning from their job, so make sure this path really is for you before selecting your major!



  10. Nursing

  Earning between US$71,728 and US$113,050, nursing practitioners are registered nurses who also perform some of the duties typically carried out by physicians, such as medical prescription and diagnosis. Predicted job growth rate in the US is about 30% from 2014 to 2024, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.




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