



2017-07-17 20:11:00




  The universal language of business, commerce and finance, accounting is perfect for students with a good head for numbers and analysis, a driving interest in business and a keen eye for detail. Accounting degrees involve learning how to measure, process, analyze and communicate financial information about an organization to a variety of concerned parties, including investors, creditors, management, regulators and the general public in order to facilitate improvements and adherence to established rules and guidelines.

  Accounting careers

  Accounting is one of the most popular degrees for students and employers alike, due mainly to the relevance of accounting for all businesses and individuals across all industries and sectors, in order to maintain financial stability and achieve financial success. Qualified accounting professionals are thus in high demand across the board.

  While a master’s degree or its equivalent is required for the more lucrative accounting careers, graduates of accounting degrees typically go on to work in entry-level positions as accountants or pursue professional accountant status. This usually involves taking up “articles” or work experience positions at an accredited accounting firm, working in one of the specialist roles within accounting. Many accounting graduates seek positions at the ‘Big Four’ audit firms, Deloitte, PwC, Ernst & Young and KPMG, which comprise huge international networks of professional service providers.

  Some of the most popular accounting careers and specialist roles suitable for accounting graduates include:





  Trainee accountants

  Many organizations make use of and provide support for trainee accountants as they work to achieve chartered status. Usually, a three-year salaried contract is agreed upon, with the student needing to complete a certain amount of work experience, take accounting courses on ethics and other relevant subjects and pass some examinations. You’ll typically spend your time preparing and auditing accounts, collecting raw data, analyzing receipts and payments, curating details of creditors and debtors, and monitoring and forecasting bank balances. You may need to liaise with investors, deal with phone queries, process accounting records and even set up new investments.


  许多组织在实习特许状态下,利用和提供对实习会计师的支持 。通常,一份为期三年的带薪合同,学生需要完成一定的工作经验,参加关于道德和其他相关科目的会计课程,并通过一些考试。你通常会花时间准备和审计账目,收集原始数据,分析收据和付款,整理债权人和债务人的详细信息,监控和预测银行余额。你可能需要与投资者联系,处理电话查询,处理会计记录,甚至建立新的投资。


  An accountant is a fully-qualified practitioner of accounting (or accountancy). As you’ll be working for a professional accounting body, you’ll need to maintain certain standards of practice, including adhering to the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) – rules set by various standard-setting organizations such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the US and the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) in the UK.

  There are three typical types of accountants: public accountants who work for public organizations or individuals; management accountants who work for private companies and are also known as private or cost accountants; and government accountants who work for federal, state, local or national governments. Typical work activities include managing financial systems and budgets, providing financial advice, undertaking financial audits, liaising with clients, performing risk analyses and detecting and preventing fraud (forensic accounting).





  An auditor reviews financial accounts of companies and organizations in order to ensure the validity and legality of their records. You’ll be involved in collating, checking and analyzing financial data, examining a company’s financial control systems, taking risk analyses, ensuring accurate and reliable financial records, creating safeguards for the company’s assets, creating reports, commentaries and financial statements and making recommendations for improving processes.

  There are two main types of auditors: internal and external. Internal auditors usually work in the private sector, while external auditors deal mainly with taxes and the government, but may be called to examine finances of private businesses that work in association with governmental bodies. You may work in accounting departments, within independent chartered and certified firms, or as a consultant.




  Accounts assistant

  An accounts assistant provides administrative support to an accountant, finance manager, accounts team or accountancy firm, undertaking clerical and basic bookkeeping tasks in order to help maintain their office. While you may occasionally communicate with customers and external clients, your main duties will be working with spreadsheets, receipts and payment records, preparing statutory accounts, calculating and checking accounts to ensure payments and records are correct, sorting post and answering queries, managing petty cash, controlling credit and chasing debt and reconciling direct debits. You may then be promoted to assistant accountant.



  Other accounting jobs

  Other accounting jobs you could explore include working as an actuary, budget analyst, claims examiner, cost estimator, credit controller, financial analyst, financial trader, investment analyst, payroll administrator, personal financial advisor, purchase manager, retail banker or tax adviser, and other roles in corporate or personal finance, credit consultancy or risk management.

  Further sectors relevant to accountants include management consultancy, banking, insurance, business and the public sector, building societies, the stock market and working for multinational companies, not-for-profit organizations, NGOs, SMEs and the local and national government. You could also teach accounting, business or mathematics at secondary school-level and lower, but will need to pursue further studies (PhD or Doctor of Business Administration) in order to commence a career in accounting academia.








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