



2017-06-05 16:01:00


  麦考瑞大学(Macquarie University)创办于1964年,是澳洲一所富有声誉的综合性公立大学。学校目前有三个院系,分为商业学院、人文与社会科学学院和科技学院,其专业涉及经济与金融、管理、教育学、语言学与心理学、人文学科、法学、社会学、文化媒体、激光研究等诸多领域。不仅有优势的教育,麦考瑞还是澳大利亚奖学金最丰厚的大学之一,每年为前去留学的国际生提供诸多奖学金。下面请看出国留学网为大家整理并翻译的麦考瑞大学研究生奖学金相关介绍。

  Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship

  The Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship provides a partial tuition fee scholarship for outstanding students to study at Macquarie University North Ryde campus. It has been designed to recognise academic excellence and provide financial assistance for international students. The Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship is highly competitive and will be awarded progressively through the year to future applicants to Macquarie University based on academic merit.


  麦考瑞大学副校长国际奖学金属于部分学费奖学金,提供给在麦考瑞大学 North Ryde 校区学习的表现突出的学生。副校长国际奖学金旨在认可学术优秀和为国际生提供经济支持。副校长国际奖学金竞争十分激烈,全年颁发,基于学业优秀提供给麦考瑞大学的未来申请人。

  What does the Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship cover?

  Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship is a Partial Scholarship for Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies, the amount is varied up to AUD$10,000 and it will be applied towards your tuition fee.

  Priority areas: Engineering, Environment, Human Science, Media, Linguistics, and Education.

  The Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarships do NOT provide financial support in the form of a living allowance, nor does it provide for the cost of visa application, Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), airfares, accommodation, conferences or other costs associated with study.

  The Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship is a single scholarship and not available to be renewed.


  麦考瑞大学副校长国际奖学金属于局部奖学金,适用于本科和研究生学习,金额不固定,最多不超过AUD$10,000 ,用于学费。




  Eligibility Criteria

  Applicants must:

  Have citizenship of a country other than ASEAN*, an European^ country, Mongolia, Australia or New Zealand.

  Have met the University's academic and English requirements for the course to be considered for a scholarship (must hold a full offer of admission for North Ryde by the application deadline).

  Have achieved a minimum GPA of 5.0 out of 7.0 for Postgraduate applications and minimum requirement of an ATAR equivalent of 90 out of 100 for Undergraduate applications.

  Have applied for a program that is longer than one Session in duration.

  Commence study in session and year indicated in the scholarship offer letter. Commencement may not be deferred.

  Have applied for a course which has a full-time study load.

  *Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam




  (2)已满足麦考瑞大学课程的学术要求和英语要求(才能被奖学金考虑),必须在申请截止日期之前拿到North Ryde 校区的正式录取通知书。






  You are not eligible if:

  You are a citizen of ASEAN*, an European^ country, Mongolia Australia or New Zealand, or hold permanent residency of Australia.

  You are currently enrolled at Macquarie University for a program which is equivalent in level.

  You have completed the same level or a higher level of study previously.

  You are in receipt of another equivalent or major award or scholarship from Macquarie University.

  You are a Study Abroad or an Exchange student coming to Macquarie University.

  You have applied or are currently enrolled at Macquarie University International College or Macquarie City Campus.







  (6)已申请或已注册麦考瑞大学国际学院或 Macquarie City校区 ,或者已申请或已在 Macquarie City 校区注册。

  How to apply

  Applicants must complete an online course application form. Online course application will enable you to select your course and upload scanned copies of the required documents. Once your course application has been processed, you will receive a Macquarie University Student Number which is compulsory to submit the online scholarship application form.

  Applicants must complete an online scholarship application form and type “Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship" in the Scholarship Name field.

  Please note that applicants can only receive one scholarship.

  Applicants applying for the Vice-Chancellor's International scholarship will not be required to submit Referee's Report or a Statement of Purpose. Once you have completed the online scholarship application form, a confirmation email will be sent to you at your nominated email address. Incomplete applications will not be considered.



  申请人必须完成奖学金线上申请表,在奖学金名称栏中写上Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship。



  Australian Government Scholarships —Australia Awards Scholarships

  Australia Awards Scholarships provide long and short term study and professional development opportunities to citizens from developing countries around the globe. They are targeted to provide enhanced leadership, knowledge and technical skills to partner governments, tertiary institutions and strategic organisations that are driving sustainable development.

  Eligibility criteria

  Students from developing countries seeking to undertake a postgraduate degree in Australia.

  How to apply

  Students must follow the application process available at Australia Awards website.







  Australian Government Scholarships - Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships

  Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships are internationally competitive, merit-based scholarships provided by the Australian Government that support citizens of countries in the Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas to undertake study, research and professional development programmes in Australia and for Australians to undertake these activities overseas.



  Eligibility criteria

  Students from eligible countries seeking to undertake a postgraduate coursework degree or higher degree research in Australia.

  The Australia Awards–Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships are the Australian Government’s competitive, merit-based scholarships and fellowships providing opportunities for Australians to undertake study, research or professional development overseas and for overseas citizens to do the same in Australia.

  The Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships build Australia’s reputation for excellence in the provision of education and research, support the internationalisation of the Australian higher education and research sectors and offer high-achieving Australians opportunities to increase their knowledge and expertise in their field.

  Applications for the 2018 Round

  Applications for the 2018 round of the Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships are open and will close on 11:59 pm (Australian Eastern Standard time) 30 June 2017.

  What Endeavour offers

  As a scholarship or fellowship recipient, you will gain invaluable international experience in study, research or professional development.

  The department has engaged a contractor to provide post-selection support services to all recipients including: a dedicated case manager, pre-departure briefings, advice on health, travel insurance, accommodation, security, payment of allowances, and reporting to the department on recipients’ progress.

  How to apply

  Application and more information is available on Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships website.






  2018年奋进奖学金和研究基金申请目前开放,开放到2017年6月30日澳大利亚东部标准时间下午 11:59 。






  Research scholarships

  Scholarships for Higher Degree Research (HDR) at Macquarie University are available for specific projects or in the general scholarship main rounds. These include:

  Government funded main round scholarships such as the Research Training Program scholarship (RTP) for domestic candidates and the International Research Training Program scholarship (IRTP) for international candidates.

  Macquarie University Research Training Program scholarship (MQRTP) and International Macquarie University Research Training Program scholarship (iMQRTP).

  Co-funded MQRTP scholarships which may be available to cotutelle and joint PhD candidates.






  Eligibility criteria

  Applicants should be eligible for one of the HDR degrees listed under the heading 'Eligible Program' for each opportunity. Eligible programs include:

  MRES2: The Research Training Pathway MRes (Year 2) program followed by a possible Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship for PhD (a MRes/PhD 'bundle offer').

  PHD: Direct entry to a 3 year Doctor of Philosophy program

  MPHIL: Direct entry to a 2 year Master of Philosophy program

  Prospective candidates are also encouraged to explore external funding for their research. Prominent opportunities can be found under the HDR scholarships externally funded webpage.

  Each scholarship scheme specifies some eligibility requirements that need to be met in order to be considered for the award of that scholarship, for example, being of specified citizenship, meeting minimum English language proficiency levels, enrolment in a specific program, demonstrating an outstanding academic background and/or research experience and/or potential in an area of expertise.

  A major prerequisite is eligibility for admission to a Higher Degree program at Macquarie University.









  How to apply

  Applicants are assessed on academic merit; proven research capacity including peer-reviewed research activity; prior scholarships, awards and prizes; and relevant work or professional experience.

  Scholarship applicants should complete the combined HDR candidature and scholarship online application form which can be accessed at the How to Apply webpage. There is no need to submit separate application forms for scholarship and candidature. Currently enrolled Macquarie University HDR candidates wishing to apply for a scholarship only should use the hard copy form which can be downloaded from the Forms webpage.

  Applications are initially assessed for completeness and eligibility before they are forwarded to a Faculty for consideration. This generally takes around 2-4 weeks, but can take longer at peak times. Time in the Faculty varies. Once a scholarship nomination returns from a Faculty the Higher Degree Research Committee delegate reviews the application and recommendation of Faculty. For major scholarship rounds applications are usually ranked by a Selection Committee. Once an outcome is finalised we will advise applicants of the decision. Please note that any advice on outcomes supplied via other parties, such as your potential supervisor, cannot be considered an official University offer.






  Macquarie provides a wide range of generous Higher Degree Research (HDR) scholarships to support domestic and international candidates with a proven capacity for research. Scholarships vary in value and duration and may include a stipend to assist with living costs, tuition fee costs, overseas health cover and/or travel allowances or other research costs.

  Area of study

  Business; Education; Engineering and IT; Environment; Health and medical sciences; Law, security and intelligence; Media, creative arts, and communication; Science; Society, history and languages


  Has a GPA requirement; International students only; Full offers only











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  经济学博士是一个特别高大上的称呼,而美国的经济学博士含金量最高,今天出国留学网小编就和大家一起了解一下留学美国经济学博士需要具备什么样的素质。留美经济学博士申请要求  经济学到了博士是一个纯理论学科,social science,跟数学、物理专业的博士录取是差不多的。换句话说,实习、学生社团经历、工作经验(除非是跟经济学研究相关)、其他学科的学习经历,并没有什么帮助。申请人需要大量时间和精力和招生委员会许多教授有邮件或者面对面的交流(俗称“套磁”)。  套磁的要点如下:  最重要的:许多的数学课和经济学基础课,并且这些课上很高的分数。(总体GPA也重要,但没有这两类课的分数重要)  其次:
2018-08-11 18:46:00
  申请美国的博士研究生相当具有难度,下面出国留学网就给大家整理了关于博士申请的条件以及注意事项以便能够帮助到大家,同时针对博士毕业后的就业也列出了一些就业方向。  一、美国博士申请条件  (一)硬件条件  1、本科学士学位或硕士学位。  2、GPA :一般应该保持在3.2以上是比较理想的,特别是专业GPA成绩。  3、TOEFL或者IELTS:TOEFL至少应该在95分以上,如果能达到100以上是最好。IELTS要保持在7分以上。  4、GRE 或GMAT等美国博士、研究生入学考试:这个是依据学校的要求而不定。  (二)软件条件  1、个人陈述(Personal Statement)  2、
2018-08-11 18:34:00
  美国是教育大国,其各类高校都设置了丰富的奖学金类型,出国留学网小编在今天就给大家带来关于美国大学的基本奖学金类型以及申请要求。  申请美国硕士奖学金有以下几种类型:  1、助学金(FELLOWSHIP)  金额最高、竞争最激烈的非服务性奖学金,意味着全奖。一般情况下如果获得一所学院授予的助学金,便是获得了全奖,即除了免学费杂费、住宿费、保险费、书本费以外,还给获奖学生一定金额作为其个人消费费用  2、奖学金(SCHOLARSHIP)  这是一种荣誉性的奖励,颁发给成绩优异的学生,但金额较少。  3、研究助理金(Research Assistantship)  去美国读硕士奖学金有多少?多针
2018-08-11 20:49:00
  美国高中也是留学生的热门选择,很多留学生希望借助这一门槛进入到美国顶尖的大学,那么出国留学网就给您带来一些关于美国高中申请的预备知识。  留学美国高中的机遇和挑战  一、美国高中留学形势将会给准备美国高中留学的学生带来挑战  1、美高低龄化持续加温,美初申请人数增多  在北京、上海、深圳这些一线城市里面从三年级就开始准备,打算让孩子六年级时候读美初的家庭逐渐普遍起来。  一些拿到绿卡或者正在办绿卡的,为的就是让孩子初中就来读美国学校,而且相当一部分家庭是打算让妈妈来陪读的;也有要陪读,但是绿卡还没有下来,家长委托机构办F1陪读的,都无一例外的是想提前让孩子来适应,到时候高中的时候,再申请到
2018-08-11 20:56:00
  心理学是纽约大学的强势专业,其社会心理学专业在社会上有很高的声誉,那么博士申请纽约大学的社会心理学专业有哪些要了解的呢?出国留学网和您一起看看。  先来简单介绍一下纽约大学  纽约大学(New York University)简称“NYU”,是一所位于纽约的世界著名私立综合性研究型大学,成立于1831年。纽约大学由18个学院和研究所组成,已经成为全美国境内规模最大的私立非营利高等教育机构之一,同时也是美国唯一的一所位于纽约心脏地带的私立名校。  纽约大学较为偏重人文及社会科学,研究生院享有极高声誉。属下的帝势艺术学院(Tisch School of the Arts)是全美最佳艺术学院之一
2018-08-11 18:29:00

